Monday, May 18, 2009
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
A lecture delivered by Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki
Alhamdulilah Wa Salatu Wa Salaamu Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa
Al-Jannah let’s do this rather then talk about the details of al-Jannah. Lets take a tour in Jannah
and let’s send somebody to go and visit Jannah for us, unfortunately we can not attach a
camcorder to that person to get a live feed from our tour guide but imagine that you are there,
actually imagine that this tour guide is yourself.
So let’s start on this journey to the land of wonderland. Some of you might have read the novel
Alice in wonderland, this is the real wonderland; Jannah in it are things that an eye has never
seen and an ear that has never heard and a mind that cannot even imagine.
So the first thing that will happen is that you will pass and we ask Allah aza wa jal to make
everyone of us among the people of Jannah. So you are going to be placed in al-Kantara before
Jannah. Kantara a river or a stream and the final purification process will happen in this al-
Kantara. So anything between you and the other people of Jannah anything that happened
between them will be sorted out in this Kantara. And now you are coming from Yawm Al
Qiyamah, which is fifty thousand years long you’re exhausted you’re tired. So you want
something to eat, so you will be served a treat.
What is the first thing that you will eat as soon as you get into Jannah? Fish liver. Now I don’t
know if you particularly like fish liver or not but subhanAllah that is the first meal you will have
when you get into Jannah.
There is a hadith in Sahih Muslim, Thauban, the servant of RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa
sallam, he said a Jewish rabbi came to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam and said
salaamu alayka (peace be upon you) Oh Muhammad. So Thauban said I pushed him until he was
about to fall down. So the rabbi said how comes you are pushing me. I said because you didn’t
say RasulAllah (messenger of Allah) how can you just say Muhammad. So the rabbi said we call
him by the name which he was named by his parents. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam
responded and said yes, my name which my parents gave me is Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa
sallam. So the rabbi said I came to ask you. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said will you
benefit if I answer you. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam doesn’t want to get involved in
an argument.
He sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said you have some questions to ask, are you asking to learn. So
this man said I am going to hear with my ears; meaning I might benefit maybe I am not going to
benefit. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said go ahead and ask. Eventually he (the Jew)
said what is the treat when you enter into Jannah? RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said
the liver of the fish (or a whale but could mean either fish or whale).
Now brothers and sisters even if you are not particularly in love with fish you are going to like
this it’s different then any other fish you had but its going to be good and this is going to be the
appetiser. The main course will be according to the next question. He (the Jew) said and then
what will they eat after that. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said the bull that used to
graze from the plants of Jannah will be slaughtered for them. In other words, there is this bull
right now that is grazing in Jannah and it is fattening itself and preparing itself for you to eat so
it’s going around and eating from the plants of Jannah. So how would the flesh of this thing be
when it’s eating from the trees of paradise?
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said this is the main course. And the rabbi said and what
will they drink, what is the drink that will be served along with this food. RasulAllah sallallahu
'alayhi wa sallam said from the spring called Salsabeel. So this is the first thing that you will eat,
appetiser and then the main dish and then the drinks.
And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says in another hadith that they will enter into
Jannah. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said as soon as you enter the gates of paradise
you will know the directions to your mansion better than you knew the directions to your house
in Dunya. Because that is where you are from, you’re from Jannah, right? Where was Adam
'alayhi sallam born, where did he live? In Jannah. You are his children so now you are going
back to your real home so your heart will guide you towards your address and you will know it
better than you knew your address in Dunya.
So now you’re rushing through the different streets of Jannah to make it towards your mansion
and as soon as you get there you see this huge palace which previously you have underestimated,
until you got there and seen what a place is awaiting for you and it is something that cannot be
described because the architecture is completely different then anything we have in Dunya.
Allah aza wa jal says: (interpretation of meaning) Mansions on top of each other. So here you
have rooms on top of each other, they are not next to each other they are hanging somehow over
each other and you have rivers flowing in between so it is an architecture that you can’t even
describe. And then you see that next to this mansion that you have another mansion which is
actually a tent, it’s not a palace it’s a tent but it is made out of a hollow pearl. RasulAllah
sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says it is sixty miles wide that’s the tent in Jannah.
You want to have more of those? the prescription is simple; if you build a Masjid Allah will
build for you a palace in Jannah. And there is even something even easier; if you pray the 12
voluntary Sunnan of Salaah you will receive a palace in Jannah; two rakat before Fajr, four
before Zuhr, two after Zuhr and two after Maghrib and two after Isha. You got your mansion in
Jannah, it’s that easy.
But now something distracts you from taking a look at the design of your mansion you are
greeted with your wife in Jannah and as soon as she appears you will forget about everything
else you are not going to pay attention to the mansion, you are not going to pay attention to the
trees because you have seen something that has obsessed your vision. And Ibn al-Qayyim says
you will be there staring at your wife for forty years, Allahu Alim (Allah knows best) how he got
that number but it could be possible and that is al-Hoor al-‘Ayn.
And Allah subhana wa ta’aala has described al-Hoor, these are two gems and Allah aza wa jal
says (interpretation of meaning) they are like protected pearls. And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi
wa sallam says in Bukhari, if one of the women of Jannah shows up in Jannah to the people of
the earth and you are here on earth, RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says she would fill
that distance with light and she would fill it with her scent. And then RasulAllah sallallahu
'alayhi wa sallam says and the scarf that is on her head is better than the world and everything in
it. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is not talking about her just the cloth that is on top of
her, is better than the world and everything in it, and this hadith is in Bukhari.
So you enter into Jannah and she greets you and you spend some time with her talking whether it
is from Hoor al-‘ayn or your wife in Dunya. And then now you start waking up and you start
noticing other things in Jannah. So you are paying attention now to the furniture which Allah
subhana wa ta’aala has provided for you in your mansion.
Now you are not the one who designed the layout nor was it your wife. The layout of the
furniture in your mansion was designed by the angels and Allah aza wa jal says (interpretation of
meaning) the layout of the beds is very high the pillows are spread out. So even the layout of the
furniture not the just the fabric of it and the contents of it, is amazing. And then when you get
into the fabric and material of itself, Allah subhana wa ta’aala has described the furniture that
you will have in Jannah but remember that the quality in Jannah everything is different.
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam once he received a gift a piece of cloth; silk. Now the
Sahabah radhiAllahu anhum coming from a very simple background they have never seen
something as sophisticated as this piece of cloth. So when RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa
sallam received this gift the Sahabah radhiAllahu anhum were grabbing it and holding it and it
was passing from one hand to another, and they are all touching it amazed at the quality of this
piece of cloth. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam smiled and told them are you amazed at
the quality of this cloth, the handkerchiefs of Saad bin Muadh in Jannah are better than this. Just
the handkerchief, the tissues are better than this piece of cloth.
Now you decide that you and your wife will go for a visit in Jannah to spend some time in this
mansion and now you want to go out and take a look at what is waiting for you in Jannah. There
are a lot of surprises for you. So you want to leave and an angel offers to accompany you to be
your guide. So you go with this angel to visit the different parts of your territory it will take you
a long time just to see what Allah has given you.
So you are going around and you smell this wonderful scent and you are trying to locate the
source of that smell and to your amazement you find out that this is coming from the dirt. The
dirt of Jannah is actually musk. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says the soil of Jannah is
very fine, white in colour pure musk (Muslim). So it is very fine and white in colour snow white
and it is musk that is the soil of Jannah.
You continue with your journey and you hear the flow of water so you ask the angel to take you
there and you go and visit this river of yours and there are cups there waiting for you. So you
drink from this water and you are sitting there just drinking. The angel tells you that this river
belongs to you. And you are drinking from that river and you don’t want to go anywhere just
drinking from this water, so the angel tells you if you want you can just sit here and drink as
much as you want but you have another river, how about we go and visit it.
So you jump up and decide to go with the angel, you and your wife to visit this other river. You
get to this other river and to your amazement it is not a river of water but it is something else it is
a river of milk. And the colour and taste of it does not go sour because of time. It does not expire
it is always fresh. So you sit there and start drinking from that river. Again you want to take
advantage of time before the expiration date and the angel tells you don’t worry it will be fine.
Even if you come a month from now it will still be fresh. So you are drinking from that river and
you don’t want to go anywhere else.
And the angel tells you it is up to if you want to stay here you can but you have a third river. So
you decide that you want to see this other river that is reserved for you and you find out that it is
not water not milk but it is khamr, its wine. It is pure enjoyment. So you drink from it and again
the same thing is going to happen and then the angel tells you that you have a fourth river
waiting for you. So now you go and visit this fourth river which is pure honey.
(Surah Muhammad: 15)
These four rivers were mentioned in the Quran in Surah Muhammad verse fifteen. So you drank
a lot of water, wine, milk and honey. The angel offers to take you to the source, the origin of
these rivers. Which RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says there is a sea of water, a sea of
milk, a sea of wine and a sea of honey and out of these seas the rivers come out. And these rivers
pass through the territory of everyone in Jannah. So within your territory, part of the river will be
owned by you.
And now you are noticing the trees of Jannah and the guide offers to take you to see some of the
famous tress of Jannah. Everything in Jannah is interesting but there are some special trees in
there. You will see this tree and the trunk and the branches are all gold. You will see a tree it is
all silver. So the angel offers to take you to Shajarat Tuba, a tree in Jannah called Tuba.
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says about Tuba, that the tree of Tuba, it will take you a
hundred years to cross it. And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says the fruits of this tree
produce the clothes of the people of Jannah.
So you go to this fruit and you just pick up brand new clothes. So you grab for yourself a
garment and you are leaving and your wife is grabbing the first, the second and the third taking
all of the clothes she could get, while the guide is waiting for you.
And then the guide will take you to the greatest tree of all and that Sidratul Muntaha. Sidratul
Muntaha is a tree of Sidr. Sidr is a tree that exists in Dunya, it is a tree that grows in Arabia and
it is a special tree. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said the one who cuts down a sidr tree
will be thrown in hellfire head first. So it is a special tree and it is also the highest tree in Jannah,
it is right under the throne of Allah aza wa jal.
In the journey of al-Isra wal-Mi'raaj, RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam got to see Sidratul
Muntaha. And he sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said that I saw this tree and then the light of Allah
came over this tree so it was covered with colours that I cant even describe. And it is mentioned
in Surah Najm, so this is the tree that is on the top of Jannah.
(Surah Najm: 14-15)
Now these trees are loaded with fruits, they are year round. There is never a season where you
won’t find fruits and no one will be prevented from eating the fruits of any tree. And there is
going to be a pair of everything, so there is two types of oranges, mangoes, two types of
everything. And if you eat an orange today, if you eat an orange tomorrow it will have a different
taste and its better. So Jannah is not the same, Jannah is always improving everyday is better
than the day before.
How can you increase your share of the trees of Jannah? Again it is quite simple. When
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam met with Ibrahim alayhi sallam in al-Mi'raaj. Ibrahim
alayhi sallam told Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Oh Muhammad give your ummah
my salaams. This ummah is so blessed that the Anbiya of Allah aza wa jal want to give it salaam.
Ibrahim alayhi sallam, the first thing he tells Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam when he
meets him; is give your ummah my salaam. Why? Because this is a special ummah you are the
best ummah brought forth from mankind. And when Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam
passed next to Musa alayhi sallam in the Mi’raaj; Musa alayhi sallam cried. They told Musa
alayhi sallam how comes you are crying. He alayhi sallam said because a young man who was
given prophethood after me; nevertheless more of his ummah will enter Jannah than mine.
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says I wish that you will be one quarter of Jannah and
then RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said that I wish that you would be one third of
Jannah. And the Sahabah said Allahu Akbar. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said I wish
that you would be half of Jannah. And then the Sahabah said Allahu Akbar. And then in the end
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said you will be three quarters of the people of Jannah.
The ummah of Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is three quarters of the people of Jannah,
this is the greatest ummah that ever existed.
How can you increase your share of trees again? Ibrahim alayhi sallam said give your ummah
my salaam and then he alayhi sallam said tell them that the trees of Jannah are SubhanAllah
Alhamdulilah Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar.
You remember those automatic antennas that as soon as you turn the radio on the antenna would
just pop up, you have that in some car models. So you say SubhanAllah you will have a tree
grow for you in Jannah. Alhamdulilah Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar a tree will grow it
is that easy, continuously make this dhikr. SubhanAllah Alhamdulilah wa Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah
wa Allahu Akbar.
Now you want to have some more food, you really didn’t have anything after that meat that you
had as soon as you entered into Jannah. So your tour tells you; you can have it wherever you
want, you can have it in the mansion, in the tent, in the gardens it is up to you. So you make an
order and you ask the tour guide what is available. The tour guide points everything around you
is yours. And you see this bird that looks healthy and nice, so you point to that bird and as soon
as you point it is right there on your dish roasted and ready to go. You thought that it was going
to take some time for the cook to prepare it but you just point to it and it is right there ready to
So you have some of this meat and you drink from which ever river you want. If you don’t want
to have anything from you river at the time you can order some Salsabeel. You can order from
any of the other springs of Jannah, it is all yours. So you had a nice meal.
By the way when it comes to the wine of Jannah it is different than the wine of this world.
People when they drink in Dunya they get a jolt of pleasure but it comes with many
consequences. The four negative aspects of khamr in dunya are number one; you become drunk.
Number two; it could cause a headache. Number three; vomiting. And number four; increase in
Ibn Abbas radhiAllahu anhu says that the khamr of al-Akhirah is purified of these four things.
So it is pure enjoyment. You drink it, it makes you very happy and it gives you a pleasure but it
doesn’t come with the defects of khamr in Dunya.
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam was once describing a river in Jannah and he said that he
saw birds drinking from this river. And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said the necks of
these birds are like the necks of camels. Now the camel has a very long neck, so these birds are
huge. When Umar ibn Al-Khattab radhiAllahu anhu heard that he said these birds are having fun
drinking from this river. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said the ones that are going to
eat these birds are going to have more fun. So yes these birds are having fun but if you eat that
bird you are going to enjoy it more. So that is the food of Jannah.
And now you are beginning to notice the fine details of Jannah. In the beginning you were still
obsessed with the major things that you are seeing; the palace, your wife and all that and now
you are starting to notice the fine details of the things in Jannah. So you are noticing the plates
and the cups, you notice that you are presented with wine in a cup made of silver but it is a
different and unique type of silver because it is transparent. Now how could silver be
Crystal-clear, made of silver. They will determine the measure thereof (according to their
(Surah Al-Insan: 16)
It is transparent nevertheless it is made of silver. So how could you get this transparent silver?
This tour has taken a few decades to finish. Don’t think that that is an exaggeration because
along the way you ran across a rose that looked quite beautiful so you spent a few years staring
at it. You see in Jannah there is no time limit on anything you are there for eternity, so why rush
You want to sit in front of this rose and just stare at it for a hundred years, what’s the problem
you don’t have any work, no appointments. And there is no time limit on anything. You want to
spend a few months drinking from your river. You want to spend a few years talking to your
wife. It is all up to you. You do whatever you want, there is no time constraints whatsoever in
So now decades have passed since you entered into Jannah and you will suddenly hear an
announcement. Every single citizen of Jannah is summoned to appear next to the barrier that
separates between Jannah and Naar. So all of the people of Jannah gather next to this barrier and
when everybody is there both of the people of Jannah and the people of hellfire, they are all
The angels will come forth and they are bringing with them death. And death will come in the
form of a ram. And death will be placed between Jannah and Naar and then the angels will
slaughter it and kill it. So this is the death of death. And the people of Jannah will be told that it
is pleasure and you will never die. And the people of hellfire will be told it is punishment and
you will never die. It is eternity for both of you.
And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says that is one of the greatest moments for the
people of Jannah. When they will realise that this blessing is endless and that there is no death
that will follow them. One pleasure following the other.
So now you will request an appointment with RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam and you
will go and meet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam and you will spend a few years with
him, again Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is not in a hurry, you are not in a hurry.
Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam would love to meet you if you are part of his ummah
and you are in Jannah, just as you would love to meet him sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
Remember that Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam cares for you so much that his wives are
called Ummahatul Mu’mineen the mothers of the believers. He sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is the
father of the ummah and his wives are the mothers of this ummah.
And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam has said it to the Sahabah radhiAllahu anhum I wish
that I can meet my brothers. So he sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is eager to meet you. And then the
Sahabahs’ radhiAllahu anhum said aren’t we your brothers. And then he sallallahu 'alayhi wa
sallam said you are my Sahabah my brothers are the ones who will come and they have never
seen me.
So just like RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is so eager to meet you, you are also eager to
meet him and you can spend a few years with him talking about whatever you want. And then
you will meet Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiAllahu anhu. You will meet Musa alayhi sallam and
Adam alayhi sallam. You will ask Umar ibn Al-Khattab radhiAllahu anhu about his Khilafah.
You will ask Musa alayhi sallam about his experience with Firaun. You will ask Adam alayhi
sallam all of the questions that you had in Dunya that were not answered. And these meetings are
limitless and you can have them whenever you want wherever you want.
And We shall remove from their breasts any deep feeling of bitterness (that they may have), (So
they will be like) brothers facing each other on thrones.
(Surah Al-Hijr: 47)
Allah aza wa jal says we have taken out of their hearts all ill feelings, they are brothers sitting on
these cushions. All of those ill feelings that existed between you and your brothers will be taken
out. So you will love everyone in Jannah and you will have no problems with anyone in Jannah
even if that person happened to be your enemy in Dunya.
RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says their hearts are so close to each other as if it is one
heart. Everyone in Jannah has one heart as if it is one heart that is how the hearts are compatible.
So part of the fun that you will have in Jannah is meeting your brothers even the ones that you
didn’t know. You want to be introduced to everyone in Jannah.
You want to meet the Muslims of Bani Israel. You would want to meet the Hawareyin, the
followers of Isa alayhi sallam. You want to meet the few who were with Nuh alayhi sallam. You
want to meet everyone and you could do it.
You will be introduced to a pair of gardens that you have. RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa
sallam says you will have two gardens everything in them is gold and you will have two gardens
everything in them is silver. The trees, the cups, the plates, everything.
Now we talked about the general, common pleasures that everyone likes but sometimes there
could be something you have a particular interest in. Will those desires be fulfilled? If for
example you happen to be somebody who loves Xbox that is something that will be given to you
in Jannah if you wanted it.
There is a particular brand of car that you love; you want to own this particular car, is that
something that could be fulfilled in Jannah? The answer is yes. If you have any special needs or
requirements in Jannah they will be fulfilled and the evidence is in Sunnah. RasulAllah sallallahu
'alayhi wa sallam says (actually I don’t have the exact text for this hadith). A man in Jannah, one
of the people of Jannah will say oh Allah I want to own a farm, I want to plant trees. He just
loves farming. Allah aza wa jal will ask him oh my servant aren’t you enjoying the pleasures that
I have already given you. He will say yes but I love farming and this is something in my heart
that won’t be satisfied unless I’m farming.
Allah aza wa jal will tell him then you can own a farm. So he will be given this farm and he will
be provided with a seed. As soon as he throws the seed it will immediately grow up and the fruits
will grow and they will be harvested right there on the spot. When RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi
wa sallam was mentioning this story there was a Bedouin who was there and he was laughing.
This Bedouin said this man who wants to farm in Jannah must be somebody from Medinah.
Who would want to farm in Jannah, for the Bedouins they weren’t into farming the Bedouins
were shepherds and the people of Medinah used to be farmers. So this Bedouin is laughing and
he is saying this man must be from Medinah. This Bedouin does not know there are a lot of
people around the world who love farming even more than the people of Medinah. But this is an
example of a wish that will be fulfilled for you in Jannah in case you have that special desire. If
you love hunting, fishing whatever you want will be fulfilled.
The day of Friday is a special day in Dunya and it is also a special day in Jannah. RasulAllah
sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says that the people of Jannah every Friday will go to a gathering
place and they will be seated according to how close they were to the Imam in Khutbah tul
Jummah. So it is a reserved seating you can’t just go and pick a seat, it is reserved according to
where you used to be in the masjid in Jummah. The closer you were to the khateeb on Jummah
the closer you will be to Allah in that gathering because that gathering is between the people of
Jannah and Allah aza wa jal. And that is when the people of Jannah will get to see the face of
Allah aza wa jal.
And RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says that this is the greatest pleasure they will be
given, it is to see the face of Allah aza wa jal. Now RasulAllah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam says
that the people of the lower levels in Jannah will get to see Allah aza wa jal once a week on
Friday but the people who are in Al-Firdaus a’aala with get to see Allah aza wa jal twice
everyday, once in the morning and once in the evening. This is Al-Firdaus a’aala.
And then Allah subhana wa ta’aala says that the last daa’wah of the people of Jannah will be
Alhamdulilah Rabbil Alamin, praise be to Allah, this is their dua, this is the final dua. There is
nothing else that they want everything was fulfilled. So al-akhirah wad daa’wahum
Alhamdulilah Rabbil Alamin. The last daa’wah will be Alhamdulilah praise be to Allah, thank
you oh Allah.
In Jannah there is no stress, there is no pressure, there is no hatred, it is pure enjoyment. Now the
people in Jannah are not eating because they are hungry and they are not drinking because they
are thirsty and they are not clothing themselves because they are naked. They are eating for pure
pleasure and drinking for pure pleasure and wearing clothes for pure pleasure. There is no feeling
of hunger in Jannah and there is no feeling of thirst, that feeling of thirst was eliminated in
Yawm al Qiyamah when you had a drink from al-Hauth.
And the hunger is satisfied by the initial meal that they had when there were entering into
Jannah. So the sole reason they eat is to enjoy it. Plus there is no responding to the call of nature,
there is no urination in Jannah. People in Jannah do not defecate, why? Because everything that
they eat comes out as musk from the pores of their body. Therefore you can eat as much as you
want and you can drink as much as you want for the sole purpose of pleasure, just enjoying the
taste and the flavour.
Our brief and short tour of Jannah is over; I hope that this would increase your desire to actually
be there. There are some other issues that we would like to cover regarding Jannah but we will
take a break inshaAllah ta’aala.
Sallallahu Ala sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Salim
Transcribed by Niyaa for
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